Five Things You Need To Do When Building Your New Chicken Coop

If you've recently decided to add a flock of chickens to your property, you undoubtedly want your chickens to be as healthy and comfortable as possible, and this all starts with the coop. Even if you're planning on allowing your flock to free-range, they'll still need a place to roost at night that's warm and safe from nocturnal predators. Chickens also need a private and secure place to lay their eggs. A coop provides a designated area for this purpose, and it helps to keep eggs clean and organized. Following are five ways you can help ensure that your chicken coop provides a safe and healthy home for your flock. 

Choose the Right Materials

Use materials that are resistant to moisture, such as cedar, such as cedar, to build the coop. Cedar is also resistant to rot and decay, so it is not prone to harboring bacteria or other germs, which is really important when you're raising animals in close proximity to one another. As an added bonus, cedar also has pest-resistant properties. The wood has a strong, pleasant aroma that can help keep away pests such as moths, flies, and mosquitoes. This can be especially beneficial in a chicken coop, as these pests can cause problems for the chickens.

Cedar is a smooth, soft wood that can be wiped down or swept clean with minimal effort, which is important in a chicken coop where cleanliness is crucial for the health of the chickens. As an added bonus, this type of timber is naturally resistant to pests such as mites and lice, which can be a problem in chicken coops. 

Install a Waterproof Roof

Make sure the roof of the coop is waterproof and in good repair to keep the inside of the coop dry during rain or snow. 

Add Ventilation

Proper ventilation is important to keep the coop from getting too hot or humid, but you don't want the coop to be drafty. Use vents or windows that can be opened and closed as needed to regulate airflow.

Insulate the Coop

Insulating the coop can help keep the chickens warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Insulation materials such as foam or straw work well to regulate the temperature inside the coop.

Protect the Floor

To keep the floor of the coop dry, consider adding a layer of gravel or sand beneath the coop. This will help drain any water away from the coop and prevent the floor from getting muddy.

If you want to use timber to build your chicken coop, contact a local company, like Liese  Lumber Co Inc.
